All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Agroforestry, Nagpur




About Project
















Projects operating at station



Transfer of Technologies



Contact Information


About Project

All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Agroforestry (AICRP on Agroforestry) is one of the co-ordinating centre of ICAR. The implementation of this project at College of Agriculture, Nagpur under Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola (M.S.) started in February1991. The project was sanctioned on 75:25 basis to be shared by ICAR and State Government respectively. The project was initiated with the objectives of popularization of Agroforestry in the region. The futala developmental unit have been merged in AICRP on agroforestry and the reorganized unit is renamed as Agroforestry Research Farm, College of Agriculture, Nagpur.



Land available and area under different Trees and Fruit Crops

Tree / Fruit Species
Area (Ha) Remarks
Teak 6.50 Field evaluation trials, Agrisilviculture, spacing trials, management practices trial,SWC experiment
Shivan 1.20 Agrisilviculture
Maharukh 1.75 Agrisilviculture, Progeny evaluation trials
Jatropha 1.50 Germplasm collection and evaluation
Nilgiri 0.50 Clonal evaluation trial
Sisoo 0.50 SWC experiment
Bamboo 4.50 Field evaluation trials, management practices trial
Aonla 1.00 Hortipastoral system,SWC experment
Nagpur Mandrin 3.00 Orchard
Lemon 1.50 Orchard
Sweet orange 1.50 Orchard
Field crops 7.50 Forage, etc.
Fallow land 3.025 Depth varying from 30 to 45cm
Uncultivable land 12.80 Rocky, unduting,excavated patches
Scrub forest 73.00 Varying density



  • Diagnostic Survey and appraisal of existing farming systems and Agroforestry practices.

  • Research related to basic and applied aspects including development of appropriate methodologies for Agroforestry Systems.

  • To develop various Agroforestry systems.



  • Collection, screening and selection of promising germplasm indigenous as well as exotic species from different ecological regions.

  • Developing different Agri-silvicultural, Agri- horticultural and Silvipastoral technique acceptable to local population.

  • Developing sequential systems of inter cropping.

  • Evolving the economics of different Agroforestry systems and establishing it’s co-relation with management Viz. conservation,development and utilization.


Projects Operating at Station

  1. Performance and evaluation ofdifferent MPTS under Agri-Silviculture.
  2. Studies on integrated nutrient management of Teak.
  3. Compatibility studies of different trees and crops.
  4. Preparation of vermicompost using biomass from Teak based Agroforestry system.
  5. Studies on organic manuring in Jatropha curcas.
  6. Effect of pruning on Jatropha curcas
  7. Field evaluation trial of teak
  8. Studies on irrigation requirement of Teak
  9. Effect of contour trenching on in-situ water conservation and growth of crops in hortipastoral system.
  10. To study the effect of conservation practices and felling intensity on production of Bamboo.
  11. Standardization of vegetative Propogation Techniques in Bamboo(D.strictus)
  12. Evaluation of crops for intercropping in bamboo based Agri-silviculture system.
  13. Standardization of technique for developingtall seedling of teak
  14. Development of quality planting material of Bamboo (D.strictus)


Research Activities / Achievements/ Recommendations

1. Experiment on studies on effect of fertilizer levels on production of bamboo, it was revealed that at the age of thirteen years maximum number of bamboo culms per clump (118.47) were harvested in three harvesting with application of 50 kg Nitrogen/ha.The benefit cost ratio was maximum (1.69) for nitrogen level N1 (50 kg Nitrogen/ha).

Application of fifty kg nitrogen/ha is recommended for maximum production of bamboo.

2. Experiment conducted on compatibility of trees and crops it was revealed that at the age of twelve years, Teak (Tectona grandis) was found significantly superior in respect of height (11.17m) over Shivan( Gmelina arborea) planted at spacing 8 X 2m. Teak has attained maximum DBH (15.81 cm) under spacing 8 X 2m. Reduction in yield of black gram under teak at spacing (8 X 2m) was found 47.24 % over sole crop. The timber volume of Teak was estimated to be 7.361 cubic meter/hactare . The economics of this system worked out for the period of thirteen years revealed that maximum B:C ratio 1:2 .96 was obtained from Teak and black gram based agroforestry system.
In Teak and black gram based agroforestry system, planting of teak at 8X 2m spacing is recommended.
3. In an experiment on selection of multipurpose tree species for agroforestry it was found that Maharukh (Ailanthus excelsa ) has attained significantly superior height (7.63m.) and DBH (16.91cm.) among four tree species.

Maharukh (Ailanthus excelsa) is recommended for cultivation in agroforesrtry.

4. In a study on the evaluation of teak clones, teak clones PDKV/AF/1and PDKV/AF/2 attained significantly superior in respect of height (9.97 m) and DBH (12.61cm) over local clone. Teak clone PDKV/AF/1 and PDKV/AF/2 were found at per with each other.
Teak clone NC-21 and NE are recommended for cultivation in agroforestry .
In a study of evaluation of field performance of tissue culture raised bamboo it was found that height, dbh and number of new culms were found more in tissue culture raised bamboo than that of seed raised bamboo.
In an experiment on evaluation of composting from leaf litter of teak and bamboo using cowdung slurry and Tricoderma viridi as decomposing agent, it was found that teak leaf litter produces better compost than bamboo leaf litter when treated with 10% cowdung slurry and Tricoderma viridi culture @ 1 kg/t. The decomposition of teak leaf litter was found faster than bamboo leaf litter.
In an experiment on effect of seed colour, seed weight and media on the germination of moha (Madhuca latifolia) it was observed that effect of seed colour was non significant. Maximum germination (74 %) was observed under treatment of bold seed (Wt.6.28 gm/seed). Effect of media was found significant with maximum germination (67.78 %) observed under in silt media.
Experiment conducted for monitoring performance of Soil and Water conservation structures in micro watershed observations showed that all these dams were observed stable and were able to control the erosion long the gully bed. Post monsoon observations on runoff stored at he upstream portion of the gabion dam showed storage of 151.36 to 9.71 cum for the average storage interval of 8.3 weeks during the observations for the last three years.
Construction of Gabion check dam with clay blanketing for storage of runoff and loose rock check dams for control of gully erosion are recommended.
5. Experiment conducted on effect of establishing narrow base contour bunds along with vegetative barrier on i) moisture conservation and ii) growth of plants in Agroforestry system revealed that distance of plants from the bund 0-5 on the upper side has produced maximum wood (0.146 cum/plant) which is 106% higher compared to T8 indicated favorable effect of moisture conservation due to bunds. Economics based on 50% thinning at nine year age estimated B: C ration of the system 1: 3.25 for treated area compare to 1: 2.63 in untreated area.

In Agroforestry, for maximum wood production in Teak establishment of narrow base contour bunds along with vegetative barrier at horizontal interval of 30 m is recommended.

6. Experiment conducted on monitoring water table and its effect on the plants in the Agroforestry trial a)Eucalyptus b) Sissoo. Results of the studies raveled that depth of water table has influencing effect on growth of Eucalyptus and sissoo. Significant height and DBH were attained by Sissoo plants under treatment area watertable below 40-50cm isobath and 0-60 cm isobath .

For maximum timber production on ill drained soils, planting of Sissoo can be recommended at 40 to 60 cm isobath.

7. Experiment conducted on compatibility of trees and crops under agrisilviculture
For the afforestation of waste land in Vidarbha region through agroforestry system and for higher economic benefits planting of teak at 8 X 2 meter spacing along with black gram as intercrop and thinning of alternate tree in row (girth 25-30 cm) at age of seven year is recommended.


Transfer of Technologies

Progressive cultivators from the villages have been adopted for agroforestry system

Sr. No. Village & Dist. Agroforestry system Area (Ha)
1 Nilaj ,Bhandara Rice +Teak
Rice +Gmelina
Rice +Eucalyptus
Rice +Mango
2. Nandgaon, Amravati Sweet orange +Teak
N. Mandrin +Teak
Teak + Soyabeen
3. Seloo, Wardha Teak+Termeric 3.00
4. Bajargaon, Nagpur Aonla+Teak+Gram+Pigeon pea
Mango +Soybean +cow pea.
5. Warud, Amravati Citrus+Soyabean+Teak 12.00


Belati, Bhandara Rice+Teak+Mango 4.00
7. Talodi (Balapur), Chandrapur Teak+Rice, Bamboo+Rice 6.00
8. 17th mile, Nagpur Teak+Vermcompost
9. Pimpalgaon, Bhandara Rice+Bamboo
Rice +Teak
10. Shenda., Gondiya Teak +Rice+Pigeon pea 3.50

Contact Information

Sr. Scientist & Officer in Charge
AICRP on Agroforestry
College of Agriculture, Nagpur

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