Chilli and Vegetable Research Unit, Akola


 glass_37    About Station
 glass_37    Objectives
 glass_37    Research Activities
 glass_37    Achievements
 glass_37    Varieties Released
 glass_37    Extension Activities
 glass_37    Scientists Information
 glass_37    Contact Information


About Station

Chilli Research Unit was established during the year August – 1983. It was further strengthened in the year 1993 as Chilli and Vegetable Research Unit. This unit has been established at main campus, Akola under state non plan scheme. This center is conducting AICRP (Vegetable crops) programme, and AINIP (Onion and Garlic) programme as voluntary center since 1991 and 2009-10, respectively. Further, the programme of quality seed production of garlic seed spices through DASD, Calicut under CSS-NHM, short term Research on Ajwain , Funnel and Cumin through ATMA, and programme of demonstration and multiplication of varieties developed by this center under state government RKVY scheme.



  1. Development of superior varieties and hybrids of vegetable with high yield and quality.
  2. Development of vegetable varieties resistant to biotic and abiotic stress.
  3. Standardization of agro techniques for vegetable production.
  4. Quality and true to type seed production of vegetable crops.


Research Activities

  • Multiplication of desirable genotypes of important vegetable crops in chilli, okra, brinjal, cowpea and garlic.
  • Varietal and hybrid breeding programme in chilli.
  • Varietal improvement programme for high yield and YVMV resistance in okra
  • Varietal improvement programme for high yield and resistance to shoot and fruit borer in brinjal.
  • Varietal improvement programme in cowpea.
  • Varietal improvement programme for high yield and storability in garlic.



  • Variety “Jayanti” (AKC-86-39) has been released during 1996-97 for green as well as red died chilli production.
  • Variety “Akola Safed” (PKV. White) has been released during 2005-06 for white onion production
  • Variety “Akola Bahar” (AKOV-97-16) has been released during 2005-06 of okra.
  • “Dasara” variety of Dolichus bean has been released during 1985-86.
  • Deepali variety of Dolichus bean has been released during 1985-86
  • “Aruna” variety of brinjal has been released for kharif as well as summer season cultivation during 1985-86.
  • In all 11 (eleven) production technologies (on chilli-5, on brinjal-01 on fenugreek-01 on radish-01 and 03 on onion were given.
  • Total 10 (ten) plant protection recommendations (Tomato-2, chilli-3, brinjal -3, okra-1, fenugreek-1) were made to achieve the potential yield and quality production of these vegetables.
  • Out of the collected genotypes in chilli, brinjal, okra, some prominent lines were isolated and identified as genetic sources for testing in AICRP (Vegetable crop) and all India network project (onion and garlic).


Significant Achievements(Varieties Released)


Crop : Brinjal, Variety : Aruna

  • Fruits are small, oval in shape and violet coloured
  • Suitable for kharif and summer season.
  • Kharif Yield – 300 to 350 qt/ha)
  • Summer Yield – 200 to 225 qt/ha)

Crop : Chilli, Variety : Jayanti

  • Fruits are green while green and turn red on ripening.
  • Plants are medium to tall (60 to 75 cm) with light green foliage.
  • Yield – 18-20 qt/ha. (red ripe chilli)



Crop : Dolichus bean, Variety : Dasara

  • Growth habit pole type
  • Fruits are violet coloured with length (8 to 10 cm) and breadth (2 to 2.5 cm).
  • Yield – 100 to 125 qt/ha (fresh pods).

Crop : Dolichus bean, Variety : Dipali

  • Growth habit pole type
  • Fruits are float, creamy in colored with the length (12 to 15 cm) and breadth (3 to 3.5 cm).
  • Yield 125 to 150 q/ha (fresh pods)

Crop : Onion, Variety : Akola Safed

  • Bulb are medium sized around 6.45 cm diameter and mean bulb weight around 128 gm.
  • Medium duration, 183 days from seed sowing.
  • Showed field tolerance to diseases and pests.
  • Yield 300-350 qt/ha.

Crop : Okra, Variety : Akola Bahar

  • Fruits are green and slender
  • Early harvesting
  • F ruiting starts 40-45 days after sowing
  • Yield 105 -115 qt/ha.


Crop: Chilli           Variety: PDKV Hirkani


  • Fruits are dark green at immature stage and dark red when ripe.
  • Maturity in 220-225 days
  • Moderately resistant to fruit rot
  • Moderately resistant to thrips and mites.


Crop: Okra         Variety: PDKV Pragati


  • High yielding ability due to maximum number of fruiting nodes.
  • It has more than 25% fruit yield over Parbhani Kranti , Arka Anamika and Pusa A-4 .
  • At par resistant with Arka Anamika and Parbhani Kranti for Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus.



Extension Activities

  • Conduction of trainings to the vegetable growers in Vidarbha region.

  • Technology demonstration through FLD for Akola safed variety of onion in Vidarbha region.
  • Participation in farmers training programme, exhibitions and demonstration organized by University, State Department of Agriculture, etc.


Contact Information

Dr. S. M. Ghawade
Breeder Cum Horticulturist
Chilli and Vegetable Research Unit,
Dr.PDKV., Akola (MS) – 444104 India

Mobile : 9657725844

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