Wheat Research Unit, Akola




About Station








Research Activities






Varieties Released






Contact Information


About Station

In Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola Wheat Research Unit has been established at main campus, Akola under state non-plan scheme during 1981. It is then converted into state non-plan during 1987. This centre is conducting AICWIP program as voluntary centre since its inception.



  • Development of short duration, high yielding disease resistant / tolerant aestivum and durum wheat suitable for different management conditions.

  • Development of short duration temperature insensitive aestivum and durum wheat varieties with tolerance to terminal heat stress.

  • Development of product based varieties like bread, macaronis, biscuits etc. to meet industrial demand.

  • Quality seed production.


Research Activities

  1. Multiplication of desirable genotypes.

  2. Crossing of wheat genotypes and advancement of breeding material.

  3. Conduction of university trials.

  4. Conduction of AICWIP trials.

  5. Seed production of released genotypes.

  6. Conduction of training to the state extension officers/workers.

  7. Organization of field days at farmers’ field.

  8. Technology demonstrations through FLD’s.



  • Variety AKW-381 has been released during 1991 for late sown irrigated condition.

  • AKW-1071 (Purna) has been released in 1992 for timely as well as late sown irrigated condition.

  • AKAW-3722 (Vimal) has been released in 2005 for timely sown irrigated condition.

  • AKDW-2997-16 (Sharad) has been released in 2005 for rainfed condition.

  • Bread wheat variety AKAW-4627 has been recently identified for irrigated late sown conditions in peninsular zone.

  • In all 16 Production technology and plant protection recommendations were made to achive the potential yield of wheat.

  • In addition. Number of genotypes were developed and identified as genetic sources for utilization in national wheat breeding project.


Varieties Released

Sr. No.

Name of variety

Year of release/ recommended ecology

Management conditions

Grain Yield(q/ha)

Special features if any

1 AKW-381 1990
Irrigated late sown conditions 24-25 q/ha Early maturity, amber-red colored bold grains, moderate yield level (24-25 q/ha)
2. AKW-1071 (Purna) 1991
Irrigated timely sown conditions 35-37 q/ha High yield, good grain and chapatti making qualities. But grain shattering problem, if harvesting is delayed
3. Vimal
Irrigated timely sown conditions 40-42 q/ha High yield, good grain and chapatti making qualities, resistant to rust diseases however susceptible for store grain pests
4. AKDW-2997-16 (Sharad) 2005
Peninsular Zone (Maharashtra, Karnataka)
Rainfed conditions 12-14 q/ha High yield, good grains, chapatti and pasta product qualities are better
5. AKAW-4627 2009
Peninsular Zone (Maharashtra, Karnataka)
Irrigated late sown conditions 42-44 q/ha Very early maturing (96 days) variety with semi dwarf stature. Grains are amber, semi-hard and medium bold. High yield and highly suitable for bread making purpose. Resistant to leaf and stem rust.


WSM-1472 2010
Rainfed & Restricted irrigation conditions 20-22 q/ha High yield potential under restricted irrigation, good grains, better for chapatti and pasta products, resistant to leaf and stem rust, leaf blight and kernel bunt disease

AKW 381   AKW 1071   Field view 2997-16
AKW-381    AKW-1071 (Purna)     Field view 2997-16
Field View of AKAW-3722   Field view of AKAW-4627   Individual ear head 2997-16
 Field View of AKAW-3722    Field View of AKAW-4627    Individual ear head 2997-16


Contact Information

Senior Research Scientist
Wheat Research Unit,
Dr. P.D.K.V.
Akola – 444 104

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