Department of Unconventional Energy Sources and Electrical Engineering


glass_43   About Department
glass_43   Academic Programmes
glass_43   Infrastructure
glass_43   Mandate
glass_43   Faculty
glass_43   Research Activities and Achievements(including projects)
glass_43   Extension Activities and Achievements
glass_43   Research Recommendations (Approved in AGRESCO)
glass_43   Publications
glass_43   Contact Information


About Department

Department of Unconventional Energy Sources & Electrical Engineering was established during the year 1982. It offers M. Tech. (Agril. Engg.) in Renewable Energy Sources with intake capacity of five students every year excluding ICAR nominees. It also offers Ph. D. (Agril. Engg.) in Renewable Energy Sources degree with intake capacity of two students every year.


Academic Programmes

Department is imparting in following academic program of Agricultural Engineering

  1. M. Tech. (Renewable Energy Sources) with intake capacity 05
  2. Ph. D. (Renewable Energy Sources) with intake capacity 02


Infrastructure Facilities


  1. Renewable Energy
  2. Electrical Engineering
  3. Improved Chullas
  4. Bio gas
  5. Solar Energy
  6. Biomass Power Plant
  7. Biogas Power Plant
  8. Engineering Chemistry
chulha_lab   ee_lab
Improved Chulha Laboratory   Electrical Engineering Laboratory
biogas_lab   biogas_generation
Biogas Laboratory   Biomass based power generation system (11 kVA)
Modified Janta Biogas plant (20 m3) for power generation at University Dairy



  • To undertake various courses related to Unconventional Energy Sources & Electrical Engineering for B. Tech. (Agril. Engg.), M. Tech. (Renewable Energy) and Ph.D. (Renewable Energy).

  • Carry out need base research related to Renewable Energy.
  • Training of farmers and departmental officers.
  • Participation in symposiums, seminar, exhibitions, shivar pheris, krishi melawas, charcha satras, consultancy project/schemes, services to the other departments and farmers.
  • Consultancy projects/schemes/services to the other department and farmers.
  • To develop Human Resource Development for Industry/ State Deptt. / Private organization.



Research Activities/Achievements

  • Completed Ad-hoc project on biogas sponsored by MNRE, Government of India

  • All India Coordinated Research Project on Renewable Energy Sources for Agriculture and Agro-Based Industries

AICRP on Renewable Energy Sources is working for delivering advanced renewable energy gadgets at rural household through demonstration, on field trials, operational research programme in the University region.


Extension Activities and Achievements

  • Participation in State agricultural exhibition.

  • On field trials of renewable energy gadgets at university and in rural households
  • Conducted frontline demonstration modified biogas plant and solar dryer in rural areas
  • Organized district level and zonal level quiz contest on Energy Environment and Earth for high school students
  • Conducted 55 farmers demonstrations/meetings/trainings on renewable energy technologies.


extn1   extn2
   Quiz contest on Planet Earth Energy and Environment during March 2008
pkv_chulha   rice_stove
Hon’ble Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam interacting with student for PKV improved chulha   Demonstration of Rice husk stove to farmers
 improved_rice_stove    gohogaon
 Demonstration of improved Rice husk stove   Interacting with farmers regarding biogas saturation programme at Gohogaon, Dist. Washim
 field_visit    kolhapur_symposium
 Field visit to solve farmers problem   Interaction with industries in symposium at Kolhapur University, Kolhapur


Research Recommendations (Approved in AGRESCO)

The department has developed technically and economically sound and environment friendly renewable energy systems, which can meet the energy needs of rural households and communities, demonstrated renewable energy technology successfully integrated into the user systems. The technologies recommended and approved in Joint AGRESCO are as follows

Durable Improved Chulha

Year of Release: 2002

The improved two pot durable cement stove (chulha) with chimney is recommended for a family of 5-6 members of Western Vidarbha. Thermal efficiency of the stove is 20%. There is about 30% saving of fuel and also reduces air pollution.











Kitchen Waste Biogas Plant

Year of Release: 2003

The dining waste based biogas plant is recommended where community kitchens produces large amount of dining waste. There is about 70% of fuel saving. It solves waste disposal problem and saves cost of transportation and keeps the surrounding clean. Beside it produces enriched manure which could be used in nursery.

PDKV Updraft wood stove

Year of Release: 2004

The PDKV updraft wood stove (single pot without chimney) is recommended for a family of 5-6 members. Thermal efficiency of the stove is 22.57%. There is about 30% saving of fuel and also reduces air pollution.











Modified Janta biogas plant

Year of Release: 2006

Users’ friendly modified Janta biogas plant needs minimum or no water for its operation, therefore it is also recommended for water scarcity region.










Contact Information

Dr. S.R. Kalbande
Department of Unconventional Energy Sources & Electrical Engineering,
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola – 444 104 (M.S.)
Phone & Fax No. 0724-2258405

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